Hotel Neits

4014 Visitas

No 71, Hewaheta Rd, Kandy, Kandy, 20000, Sri Lanka

Horas de Trabajo:

Lunes - Domingo : 24 Horas abierto

Métodos de pago aceptados:

  • Efectivo
  • Cheque

Sitio Web:


  • hotel,motel
  • Bodas y Eventos
Propietario: Neville Liyanage


hotel neits\rooms


Welcome to Hotel Neits A place which is 5 minutes from the city Set in the heart of Kandy, the last kingdom of Srilanka & Just 5 minutes drive from the city that holds the historic Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Lord Buddha. You will find The Hotel Neits an ideal hideaway holiday home with plenty of mountains around that you will always remember.
Hotel Neits which is majestically situated in the middle of a range of picturesque mountains that rise sky high in the kandy subarbs,has been dedicated to your service who are coming here to witness the beauty of the world heritage city of kandy.Neits facilitate with majestic views of banquet halls also arranging Wedding Receptions and other occasions.

Neits facilitate with majestic views of banquet halls also arranging Wedding Receptions and other occasions

Precio:Rs 1450 per head

Welcome to Hotel Neits A place which is 5 minutes from the city Set in the heart of Kandy, the last kingdom of Srilanka & Just 5 minutes drive from the city that holds the historic Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Lord Buddha. You will find The Hotel Neits an ideal hideaway holiday home with plenty of mountains around that you will always remember.
Hotel Neits which is majestically situated in the middle of a range of picturesque mountains that rise sky high in the kandy subarbs,has been dedicated to your service who are coming here to witness the beauty of the world heritage city of kandy.Neits facilitate with majestic views of banquet halls also arranging Wedding Receptions and other occasions.

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